The exhibition Looking Through Objects introduces the work of contemporary Polish and Estonian female designers

From 17 June, the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design will host the exhibition Looking Through Objects, which looks at the work of female designers from two countries, Estonia and Poland. The exhibition presents not only the objects designed, but also the designers themselves, their working environment and thoughts about the essence of their work. A total of 33 outstanding women in contemporary design are represented in the exhibition.
“Among the designers introducing Estonia, there are names that have long been familiar to the public as well as those you can enjoy discovering for the first time, while the Polish exhibition offers an excellent opportunity to compare the current situation in Estonian and Polish contemporary design, applied art, taste and design in general,” says curator Triin Jerlei. “The two displays are united by a focus on design both as a process and as a creative result – through the highlighted designers, the audience can also reflect on the diversity of the field, seeing both tangible and intangible work leading to the birth of the final object.”
Not only does it offer the opportunity to gain an insight into the design scene of Poland and Estonia, but also allows us to compare the countries and individuals regardless of national borders. Over time, design has reflected cultural, social and economic change. The influence and contribution of women to these transformations has grown. They play roles as active protagonists, independent players and thinkers, rather than merely muses and supporters. Over the last decade, mindfulness and holistic thinking have become essential characteristics of design processes, more than the spectacular and short-term performance qualities of design that we have seen in the past.
Undoubtedly, Polish designers have become integrated into the European scene without the traditional ‘Eastern European’ or ‘Central European’ designer prefixes. As recently as ten years ago Poland was still just a subcontractor for the leading design brands. Today it is recognised as a strategic, design and business partner, combining genuine craftsmanship, design quality and reasonable prices.
“Looking Through Objects. Women in Contemporary Polish Design” is a touring exhibition accompanied by exhibitions on women in contemporary design from the hosting country. Estonia is the first partner.
The Polish part of the exhibition was prepared by the Gdańsk National Museum and the Estonian part by the Museum of Applied Art and Design.
Participating Polish designers: Agnieszka Aleksandra Bar, Alicja Bielawska
Alicja Patanowska, Anna Bera, Izabela Sroka & Julia Cybis, Justyna Popławska, Karina Marusińska, Karina Królak & Patrycja Smirnow, Magda Jurek, Maja Ganszyniec, Malwina Konopacka, Maria Jeglińska Megi Malinowsky, Monika Patuszyńska, Róża Brito, Wiktoria Szawiel
Participating Estonian designers: Reet Aus, Raili Keiv, Mare Kelpman, Mariana Laan, Annike Laigo, Kristel Laurits, Krista Leesi, Mari Masso, Kärt Ojavee, Darja Popolitova, Kateriin Rikken, Stella Runnel, Anneli Tammik, Johanna Tammsalu, Johanna Ulfsak.
Polish exposition:
Curators: Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka, Gian Luca Amadei, Dario Lombardi
Exhibition design: Dominika Janicka
Graphic design: Kasia Kubicka
Estonian exposition:
Curator: Triin Jerlei
Exhibition design:: Maria Pukk, Ivar Lubjak / Oaas Arhitektid
Graphic design: Indrek Sirkel
The design uses exhibition modules developed by the architecture bureau 3+1.
Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia